The stories of our community

Get inspiration to travel from our community members, guest bloggers and ambassadors. They will take you on their journey to discover the world, whatever mobility or special needs they have.

What's your mobility?

With these Icons, Handiscover helps you find accommodations that really suit your needs.

You can walk and can handle going up a few stairs.

The accommodation is not fully accessible, and requires a maximum of 15 steps (1 floor up) to reach it or to manoeuvre within it.

You can only handle one step at a time.

The accommodation is quite accessible but not up to our highest accessibility standards. It can suit for example wheelchair users able to climb a stair/threshold of up to 15 cm (6 inches) at a time. See detailed accessibility description in respective ad to make your decision.

You need a fully accessible accommodation.

The accommodation has accessible bathrooms and toilets, as well as wide door widths. You will not face more than eventual small thresholds of a maximum of 3 cm (1 inch), and the accommodation will accommodate wheelchair users. See detailed accessibility description in respective ad to make your decision.

Discover our Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Government programs (B2G)

Accessibility B2B icon

Take control of your physical accessibility

We offer a data-driven platform and solutions to help you improve all your accessibility.

Accessibility B2G icon

Find, log and publish accessible places in your area

We offer a user-driven accessibility data white label app to enable municipalities to create and showcase their accessibility.